Run BASIC – A Seaside Story

Carl Gundel , developer of LibertyBasic , a development environment for Basic written in VisualWorks, will be presenting at NYC Smalltalk on Thursday, May 21st, 2009.  He will update us on the evolution of his Liberty Basc IDE and its implementation as a Web based IDE based on VisualWork’s Seaside implementation.

Open house starts at 6:30 pm and the presentation follows at 7:00pm. We usually go out for a couple beers  to a nearby restaurant/bar.

Our meetings are opened to the general public.


Carl is a Smalltalker since 1988 and has been developing BASIC language products in Smalltalk since 1991 along with various other kinds of software systems in Smalltalk.


Carl will present Run BASIC; a web programming system. Run BASIC focuses on making web development easy; sort of a QBasic for the web. Run BASIC is based on Carl’s popular Liberty BASIC language and is implemented on top of VisualWorks and Seaside.

SMTP Basic client demo


Here’s a quick and basic SMTP client demo.  Its obviously outgoing only.  VisualWorks has support for all the standard networking protocols i.e. http, ftp, smtp, pop , imap and tons more.

Download the demo and check it out.

The installer will create a Program Group entitled “NYC Smalltalk” wherein one will find a shortcut for the SMTP Demo. An uninstaller is provided as well.  Be forwarned I have not made this fool proof. However, if all the parameters are entered correctly for the signon you will be sending out emails in no time.

BTW, note that the SMTP Demo is divided into 2 componenets one is the Smalltalk Runtime Environment namely the sre.exe , this is a generic runtime environment I setup that is network client capable. That only needs to be distributed once. The application i.e. the demo is actually located in SmptClient.pcl which is a 7 kb file.